"There Is a reaper whose named death
, and with his sickle keen, He reaps the bearded grain at a breath, and the flowers that grow between."

carrd designed by cassiaslair.
Dynamis. Maudin. PST.
Are you the body that is sure to die?
Or are you the one who will go into the sky?
Why don't you stop and find out, 'Who am I? '
Then, there will be no need to cry
Late 20's.
rules of play.
— ooc.
Hello, my name is Salem I'm 30 years old and I have been role-playing for a couple of years now in the world of ffxiv. I go by all pronouns, I do not mind any of them.As long as you are respectful about them, I am online maybe more than I should be, my In game fun outside of role-play consist of gpose, crafting, content and catching up on getting emotes and mounts.I am generally a nice person, friendly and open to conversations. Please don't hesitate to reach out to me outside of our role-play interactions.
— contact.
— one.
IC Is Ic, I am not my character and I will Never be them.
— two.
I will never EVER play my characters death. I am okay with my character being hurt/ battles and bloody spars. (Please don't take advantage of that)
— three.
Please no OOC drama, I don't and will not put up with that. And you will be blocked, I literally could care less. Some of you are annoying with your petty shit. literally don't interact with me if you're going to be like that.
— four.
My character Is a bitch, has different views and thoughts about everything or people around them. They can be dark In certain scenarios, however I am not my character and what they say and do. DOES NOT REFLECT ME AS A PERSON. IC doesn't equal OOC.
— five.
Yes, I enjoy an erotic setting for role-play themes. My character may be a whore but I occly am not, and not interested In anything more than friends.
— six.
Interested In getting to know my character? Please reach out to me oocly so we can set up conversations or hand over my discord to plan out future arrangements.
"You look lost.. are you In need of my assistance weary soul?Let me aid you.."

name. Karasu Katou.
age. Looks in his late 20's| Actual age Redacted
race. Hyur, viera characteristics
birthday / nameday Unknown.
astrological sign / guarding deity. Scorpio.
gender. Male
pronouns. He/Him
sexuality. Bi-sexual.
height. 8'5''.
weight. 310.
hair color. Black.
eye color. Gold or Red
skin tone. Tan.
notable features. scars across their body. Tattoos.
Their form changes at their will, whatever they want to be.
job occupation. Shinigami, Courtesan.
place of origin. Yanxia.
home. Shirogane.
affiliation. Kami
family. Several sisters and brothers.
marital status. Single, never married.

d&d alignment. Chaotic EVIL
mbti. ISTJ
likes. Seafood, gold coins, expensive fabrics, whiskey, being a wallflower.
dislikes. insects,liars, thief's, voidsent, boring conversations. virtues. Reserve ,Restraint ,Valor, Forgiveness.
flaws. Vengeance, Cruelty, Gluttony, Humility.
personality. Cold heart,Naive, the first two personality traits that shine through than the others. Often they store away their emotions such as empathy, love, even crying. kARASU IS TOUGH AROUND THE EDGES BUILT TO WITHSTAND EVEN THE MOST WELL VERSED LIARS AND MANIPULATORS. however HIS PERSONALITY CAN RANGE BETWEEN VARIOUS
STATES;STRANGER?: Karasu could care little for a stranger, not even glancing in their direction unless they are speaking to him.interactions can be often rude, careless even with not a single glance to them to care for how they would feel about their demeanor.Someone they find attractive: It's hard for him to keep their eyes away, or try their best to not flirt. Even terrible pick up lines, he's not the best flirt but tries!FRIEND?: There are not many that he would call his friends, though not much would change. A tiny peak of what little empathy lies in the crow's feathers, a pinch of sadness for their friends that they hold closer than the rest.lover?: Unconditional flutters of affection to that said person(s), like a new book being writer for their personality, unlocking a new world of emotions. However nothing extreme, the usual romantic obsessed actions. But, something does seem off about how he displays his affection for those who he falls for. Yandere? Over protecting? Jealously even.
headcanon one.
Cooking Is one of their most valuable skills, learning to cook over their lifespan but they have a sweet tooth.headcanon two.
Collector of various rare items, even down to potions and drugs.headcanon three.
A katana woven with the wood of a cherry blossom tree from Yanxia, the cherry blossom flowers still intact but persevered with yokai magic to live forever in bloom.The blade was given to karasu by the villagers as an offering to the shrine that now is destroyed in ruins after the invasion of garlemald.It has been said that the weapon was crafted with thousands of tears from the blacksmith. Pouring their prayers and hopes of the shrine god to help their village. Karasu never leaves his weapon from his sights and persons, he takes care of the blessed weapon with the upmost care. Not a single persons has ever lifted the weapon since it was left at the shrine.
ability one.
Talisman writer; carried with him. They offer various proprieties from healing to protecting spells.ability two.
Kami abilities, otherworldly magics that are hard to describe.
ability three.
Skilled with blades.
background. Written in blood, thick pages had little to nothing scribbled on them but the droplets of the kami's essence.
Nothing was known of their background and past that was willing to be shared.But, what would they share with a stranger? Nothing that was free, unless they felt an interest to that person otherwise. Their lips were sealed as tight as a gate.

health. ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆
strength. ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆
tenacity. ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆
stamina. ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆
intelligence. ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆
dexterity. ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆
perception. ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆
charisma. ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆
empathy. ★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
hooks & verses.

hook one.
The man is often covered in the most expensive fabrics that those of wealthy status can afford. From silks imported from private sellers, lavish robes with intricate one of a kind item. Every single item of clothing that the man wears has costed him a heavy coin pouch, tailored to their extreme height and build. If your muse enjoys fashion, then they have met the right person to discuss about various styles, colors and what is in.hook two.
Kugane the home of a wondrous city filled with so many interesting people, culture and all else that is to offer. The old crow has lived here most of their life, visiting often more than they should however they live their everyday life even if they are away from the far east. Comforting in certain aspect, even down to how they speak. It has never grown apart from them.
Karasu, can talk forever about their favorite places to eat, shop and even take a nap.hook three.
it is no secret that karasu doesn't look 'human' as the others do, something feels strange about their aether too. Old, full of wisdom and mysterious secrets held tight by a lock and key. Auspices perhaps would recognize him, but not in his 'human' form. Their feathers stand out the most, taken care of with pride and joy. He speaks of them with the highest of words, showing them off any chance that he can get. However..

Those close to him; friends.. perhaps family.
blood.. blood blood..